From Little Things
Back then there were only a few players in the essential oil field: two major brands were owned by one corporation, another high-end brand only sold to Myer and the rest were mostly ‘cottage industries’ operating at markets or tourist stores.
By 2006 more people were beginning to understand the power of natural botanical products, but essential oils were still widely considered a bit of a “hippy thing”. One of the reasons for this was that an essential oil range was quite a considerable investment for a lot of smaller retailers. They had to stock a certain range and for pharmacies, health food stores and gift stores, essential oils weren’t considered to be a part of their core business at that time.

Big Things Grow
Enter Aromae! We decided to take one for the team and we rolled out a small, accessible range of essential oils to over 300 retailers in the Melbourne area, completely on consignment!
We gave small pharmacies, florists, massage therapists, gift stores, new age shops, health food stores (and more) access to an affordable range of high quality essential oils with great margins. Retailers were very grateful if not surprised at first, but soon the word was hitting the street that an essential oil range was now easily attainable and we were away.
Today, we service 700+ retailers across Australia! We also sell our brand through distributors, and of course, we sell online!
Our Values

Great Value
While we believe in outstanding quality, we don’t aim to be a high-end brand that only the few can afford. We wish to take great quality botanical products and make them as accessible as possible to ensure that nature’s gifts don’t have to cost the earth.

High Quality
Quality really is everything! We aim to source the best quality essential oils possible. We’re constantly searching for ways to improve the quality of the natural products we source, how they are packaged and how they make their journey to you.

Ethical Sourcing
We are well connected across the globe to great quality botanical products and always endeavour to make sure we know where our products come from and how they’re produced. None of our products are tested on animals.

Protect The Environment
Manufacturing continues to make a mess of our planet. At Aromae we always take a moment to think about the environment before producing a new product. If there is a way to use recyclable products (especially glass), more efficient systems and reduce packaging we do. We believe that nature takes care of us and we have a responsibility to look after our planet.

Service Is Everything
We’re pretty old school when it comes to some things, good old-fashioned customer service is one of them. We believe The Customer is the most important part of any business; if we can do something better, faster or cheaper we will, if it improves our customers experience. We constantly get great feedback, and we’re always quick to listen for areas that we can improve upon.

Constant Improvement
When we first started in business we had a lot to learn, but learn we did - and continue to do so. We believe that life is a journey of constant growth and improvement and we take great delight in finding ways to improve what we do and how we do it. Feel free to give us advice any time as we really appreciate the opportunity to hear how we can improve.